3/11-13/2022 Spring group retreat at Oakhurst and Yosemite
2/25/2022 Farewell lunch for Takashi.
3/13/2019 Bacillus cupcakes for Annie’s birthday. Made by Qinqin.
2/28/2019 Joao and QinQin presented an interactive exhibit on our research to the general public at the CalAcademy Nightlife Darwin Spotlight. Attendees could look under the microscope at biofilms, play with a range expansion simulation, and learn about genetic drift by picking marbles. Thanks, CalAcademy for hosting us!
7/24/2018 Pizza before Jayson left
6/15/2018 Farewell lunch for Matti and Diana!
6/1/2018 After-work drinks!
5/7/2018 Qinqin taught Physics to elementary school students at the Dinner with a Scientist event, which was organized by the Oakland Unified Schools District.
4/27/2018 Preparing the social hour