Research interests:
I am interested in the emergent behavior of complex systems such as, currently,
ecological communities, and, during my PhD, biopolymer and neuronal
networks. I use methods of statistical and soft matter physics,
numerical simulations, and data analysis to capture and
explain patterns in their dynamics. Currently, I am studying the
growth of biofilms, approximately two-dimensional microbial
communities, and the dispersion of microbes on a global scale.
- 2021 -: postdoc with Oscar Hallatscheck, Leipzig
University, Germany and University of California, Berkeley, USA - 2015 – 2016: Ph.D. in Physics, UCLA, USA
- 2013 – 2015: M.Sc. in Physics and Applied Math, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
- 2009 – 2013: B.Sc. Physics and Applied Math, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Selected publications:
Topological defects produce kinks in biopolymer filament bundles
VM Slepukhin, MJ Grill, Q Hu, EL Botvinick, WA Wall, AJ Levine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15)
Defect Production in Compressed Filament Bundles
VM Slepukhin, AJ Levine
Physical Review Letters 127 (15), 157801
Dynamical phase separation on rhythmogenic neuronal networks
M Bibireata, VM Slepukhin, AJ Levine
Physical Review E 101 (6), 062307